
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Indigo Buntings

I got out early this morning to beat the heat and the bugs, and took my two dogs with me on our usual walk along the West River trail bordering the cornfield behind the Marina. The dogs love to plunge down the slides made by beavers who cut down the tall cornstalks and drag them across the trail down a steep slope into the river. I kept my eyes on the cornfield and watched Indigo Buntings dipping in and out of the plants. Both males and females were well into their post-breeding molts.

Saturday I was to embark on my big adventure, an overnight extreme pelagic trip out of Hyannis, but it was cancelled because of hurricane Bill. Since I had already booked a motel for Friday night I decided to drive out anyway and do some birding along the seashore - get away from the heat and enjoy a fresh ocean breeze, and keeping my fingers crossed that it won't rain!


  1. Great Blog!- I found you looking for info on molting Blue Jays. Thanks.

  2. The colours are very beautiful, the gold, black blue and green. I am sorry to read about the pelagic cancellation, especially as a storm would probably mean some interesting observations, as long as the boat and your stomach can handle the waves.
    I hope you have better luck some other day.

  3. Too bad you missed the pelagic, but let's touch base on future ones and maybe carpool. Hoping I won't be the only birder to miss godwits this fall - heading to Cape May with anticipation

  4. I'll keep my eye out for future pelagic trips; and car pooling would be nice. Good luck on your Cape May trip!

  5. Thanks for your comments, Jochen. I actually had a great time on Cape Cod -- see my new posts, still in progress.


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