
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Black Vultures over Brattleboro

This morning I saw 3 black vultures circling high in the sky at this location: 42.88548833,-72.56837833. I have often looked for them but have never seen any here before.

Although the images are not very good, they still show the characteristic short tail and pale outer primaries. I will check out the TV roost on Putney Rd this evening and see whether they will show up there.


  1. ...I love your Black Vultures. In our area, we see mostly Turkey Vultures, and I love seeing them. I saw quite a few the other day...7 circling in large loops together. Last spring saw several Black Vultures in Indiana at Clifty Falls...they were soaring with the Turkey Vultures.

  2. p.s. I see you have the Sibley blog listed in your sidebar. I got to listen to him speak Friday night at the Midwest Birding Symposium. He spoke about trees, and it was wonderful!! Also in your side bar, listened to Kenn Kaufman...very funny, and Lang Elliot (recorded the Stokes birdsongs)...also funny, and of course everyone was so interesting. I think you would have liked the symposium too!

  3. Thanks, Kelly. The new photos are much better. I wished I could get an actual look at the tree but the area is pretty much inaccessible; also I believe the trees there are much too dense for a decent photo.

    I will put the symposium on my calendar for next year. It sounds like it's really worth a trip! Also I think I am going to buy Sibley's book on trees.


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