
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall is here...

This morning I was going to check out the reports of a Cackling Goose but the waters of the West River, the Retreat Meadow and adjacent cornfield were oddly quiet - no honking cacophony. The hundreds of the agitated and restless Canada Geese present over the past several weeks seemed to finally have taken off on their southward journey. I counted just 5 geese standing on a log in the West River.

From the Hogle Refuge off Eaton Ave I saw a duck-like bird with huge orange feet busily grooming itself. Because of the feet I did not recognize it at first, but on closer inspection realized that it was a female Common Merganser stopping over on its migration. I hadn't seen one all summer nor have I ever seen one standing up out of the water.

Off in the shallow water a rather dishevelled looking juvenile Great Blue Heron was slowly stalking about looking for something edible.

The quiet was pierced by the strident cries of a Killdeer. I searched the sky and indeed the bright white stripe on the wings and the orange rump of the fast flying, twisting and turning bird confirmed that it was a Killdeer.

It's a raw cold day today. I had to turn the heat on for a couple hours to warm up the house. Fall is undeniably here.


  1. funny isn't, how there can be hundred and then none - a guess would be that they moved south along the river, perhaps at the spring roost in Hinsdale. Hundreds are often present there on the Xmas count.

  2. New flocks have arrived. Today there were several hundred on the water, mostly resting and preening.

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