
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bald Eagle's nest revisited

Good to be home again. The dogs went crazy, jumping and racing around when they saw me get out of the car. One of my first walks after returning from Germany was to check in on the Bald Eagle nest, wondering whether there were any hatchlings yet. But all I saw was an adult sitting on a dead snag nearby. The nest appeared to be unoccupied, but it's really too deep to tell for sure.

Its plumage looks kind of worn. It's wearing leg bands but is too far away to make out any inscription.

After a few minutes it flew off.

I'll have to check on it again next week.

Good Birding!


  1. So beautiful! So thrilling! Thanks for sharing such a precious and private moment with your readers! It is fantastic just imagining such an encounter.

  2. These are incredible photos! What a magnificent discovery on your walk.

  3. Being a symbol for freedom, I think it's only fair that one is entitled- and expected- to look a bit weathered. An amazing moment to capture, Hilke!

  4. These look like paintings! Brilliant! How did you create them if I may be so bold as to ask?

  5. Thanks, Susan, Erica and LV, for you nice comments!

    Stephen, I did not do anything special, no special filters. It's a large crop. I used Photoshop's Shadows/Hightlights adjustments, sharpening by Unsharp Mask and selective sharpening of eyes and beak. The rest was luck.

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  8. Yes it's looking a bit rough, though perhaps it is molting. I hope it is able to raise some chicks.

  9. Great shots. Funny to see that branch so worn and with no bark. Obviously a favored perch! Good stuff!

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