
Friday, July 2, 2010

Birds of Summer....

It's the time for tending, feeding and rearing the young.

American Robin

Song Sparrow

I photographed these Bobolinks last year. Haven't seen any yet this year, but then their meadow was cut much earlier this year, leaving no time to rear the young. Bobolinks are threatened with loss of high grass habitat.  Farmers are faced with a quandary: cutting late allows these birds to flourish but it diminishes the nutrient and monetary value of the hay.

Female Bobolink

Male Bobolink

Male Bobolink

Lastly here are a couple of juvenile Barn Swallows

Juvenile Barn Swallows

Juvenile Barn Swallows

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  1. A great time to be out and about watching the next generation come of age.

  2. Truly excellent to catch these nice shots with food in the beak! Well done.

  3. Thats a great series Hilke.

    Our Robins have fledged young and started a new nest. The male is very yappy whenever we are in the yard but I wish them the best on this batch too.

    Cheers, Harold

  4. Boy-that robin sure has a mouthful!
    I need to go find some Bobolinks soon. There's not a lot around my area but I look forward to seeing them .Great series of photos!

  5. Great collection of birds feeding young! Barn swallows will always be one of my favorite birds, among the first birds I could identify as a child.


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