
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ordinary Life

A dog barking somewhere, children's voices in the neighbor's yard, .... faint thunder followed by a flash of lightening, the sound of rain on the roof... a freight train passing in the distance... the sounds of ordinary life.
But life changes in the blink of an eye ... the awful heartbreaking news that my younger brother is lying comatose in a trauma center in Hamburg, Germany,  following a bicycle day a smart geophysicist, caring husband and father, the next a patient with traumatic brain injury.... my sister-in-law's life in shambles, all plans for the future nil and void, looking at years of care for an invalid husband --- if he survives, that is --- two college-bound sons struggling to understand what is going to happen... and the specter of many more hurdles yet to come..
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  1. I am so sorry Hilke. Your brother, and all of your family are in my prayers.

  2. I'm so sorry for your upsetting news. Sending positive, healing thoughts for your brother's full recovery.

  3. I'm so sorry, Hilke. I know your mind is screaming "NO" every second of every day. I understand so well and I'd hug you so hard if I could! Forget about 'one day at a time' - one minute at a time is victory enough. You will survive this, as will the boys with your help. My spirit is on its way to you right now, to help keep you strong and sane. I'm so sorry!

  4. Thank you so much, Lynne, JoAnne, Ginny and Susan. Dear Susan, your words described what I am feeling. Reading them choked me up. I am waiting for the reality of it to set in...

  5. Hilke, my thoughts go out to you and the family at this most difficult time. I am currently wrestling with a similar situation so I can fully understand your feelings. Stay brave.

  6. Oh Hilke, I am so so sorry! Your heart must jump every time the phone rings now. Please know we're all thinking of you and your family.

  7. Thanks for your concerns, Frank and Gabrielle. It's going to be a long haul, probably about a year before we know how function he'll recover.

  8. Hi Hilke,
    I just do not have any words! I'm so sorry and I'll be thinking and sending your my thoughts everyday hoping that he will be fine and will recover...

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that. Life can throw some awful blows when everything seems to be going well

  10. Chris and Harold, thank you so much for your thoughtful words.

  11. Sorry to hear that, Hilke. I hope your bro will recover.


  12. Hilke,
    I hope you are holding up okay in the face of what must be an exhausting family crisis. I also hope that however it plays out that you will be alright and at peace with it somewhere along the line. RRR


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