
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Immature Red-tailed Hawk

What's in his crop?

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  1. ..whoa! Great capture...looks like he just had a big meal!! Awesome flight photo, and the full crop really makes it interesting.

  2. id you scare it up? if so, didyou investigate wherehe came from? did he swoop over you as if to see youwere ignoring or not seeing what he had? was this taken now, or during breeding season...and if so wereyounear his nest? Was it even earlier, during courting?

  3. Thanks, Kelly and Andy, for your comments.
    Burr: I took a series of photos of this hawk yesterday. I was walking along the edge of a cornfield, looking for sparrows, when it appeared over the trees at the edge of field. It flew around there for a while and then disappeared again behind the trees. So, what's in his crop will remain a mystery.

  4. Wow! What an amazing photo. Really beautiful.


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