
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Horned Grebe

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  1. wow - that red eye!
    I'd love to see one of these one day.

  2. Is that a common sighting? It is beautiful and love the red eye too!

  3. Thanks Natalie, Chris and Pam.

    Chris, they are not common here, appear only during their spring and fall migration on small ponds and lakes.

  4. Great capture! Was this Grebe migrating to the Atlantic coast when you spotted it? No need for the red eye removal tool here!
    I see in your profile that you have a FZ28. These Panasonic bridge cameras are excellent. I have my old FZ20 fitted with a very inexpensive clip on Raynox M-150 microscopic lens that takes world class macros!
    You, my dear, are a National Treasure!

  5. Thanks Dawn!

    Springman, thanks :-)!! I have been thinking about getting a macro lens but didn't want to spend the money. I went on Amazon to check out the Raynox M 150 and was suprised. So I ordered it as an early Christmas present. Thanks for the recommendation.

  6. We have them here in our cove. I can't get enough of that red eye and jaunty little body. Nice shot.

  7. Beautifully captured with the sun glinting in his eye!
    The light is magic.

  8. Never seen one so I appreciate your super photo!

  9. Excellent, the red eye really sets them off.

    We only see them in migration, I expect it is the same with you.

  10. Never seen one of these before; a real beauty with that eye :)

  11. Gary, Robin, Arija, Jean, Harold and holdingmoments, thank you for your nice comments.


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