
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Migrant Fallout along the CT River

I had been house-bound for a week with a bad bronchitis, just having enough energy to fill the feeders for the new backyard arrivals,  the White-throated Sparrows and Purple Finches, and the still present Juncos and  year around Goldfinches.  But mid week I finally felt well enough for a trip to the trail along the CT River in Hinsdale, NH. It was a blustery day with white caps on the river and fallen leaves swirling through the air. This had not however kept the spring migrants from moving in.  A mixed flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers (Myrtle subspecies) and Palm Warblers (Yellow Eastern subspecies) was foraging in the gravel potholes on the path. Most birds were keeping low to the ground, rising only at the approach of my car.

Along the path Ruby-crowned Kinglets were singing and flitting through the dense brush.

Today, Easter morning,  the sun was out as were my fellow birders with their binoculars and cameras. Yellow-rumped Warblers, and Palm Warblers, swooping Tree Sparrows and Barn Sparrows put on a joyful show. After a long winter it was a day to celebrate the renewal of life. 

Good Birding!


  1. Gorgeous warblers! Send a few thousand of those Palm Warblers to Utah, would ya?

  2. Great series of early migrants!!

    Good to hear your feeling better too

  3. Glad you are better! Awesome photos

  4. Beautiful images of your lovely birds.
    Pleased to hear your are on the mend.

  5. Wow you saw a lot of magnificent warblers!! It looks like the day was good! I'd love to see so many at once, but that's never the case over here, we have so few of them!

  6. Beautiful warblers and great shots. You are so lucky to see them on the ground. When I see them they are way high up in the trees it makes my neck hurt to look at them. LOL.

  7. Great shots Hilke!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Good grief! AStounding warp of warbler, weft of the winged, muddle of migrants.....totally amzaing and that you could capture all of them in one bunch, wow! Love the new banner image, too. Careful you don't hurt yourself swinging your head around looking at all the birds, girl.

  9. And by the way, about the bronchitis - have you thought about easing up on the cigars? :) Glad you are feeling better.

  10. Outstanding! These birds can be so fast that I am very impressed with your amazing photos....especially the Ruby-crown Kinglet.

  11. Robert, Harold, Dawn, Andrew, Chris, Eileen, Gary and Robin: Thank you so much for your comments. They made my day!! Warbler are fairly easy to get as long as the trees haven't leafed out, and as long a cold wind keeps them hunkered down low to the ground. Yellow-rumped Warblers are common here, Palm Warblers much less so. As to Kinglets many times I missed getting a good shot, but this time they were much less shy. It also helps of course that there weren't any leaves yet.

    @Robin: how can you! Cigars were my secret! LOL

  12. A dearth of colourful spring Warblers. Hope you'll be back to full health soon Hilke.

  13. Not surprised. Once again a great post and beautiful images.

  14. Beautiful birds and photos. I'm glad your spring - and birds - weather has finally arrived

  15. its a great time of year.... its a great post, isnt it exciting when these lovely creatures fly in.

  16. So nice photos of the lovely birds :)

  17. Hi Hilke

    I hope you are feeling better. I just saw a flock of yellow rumped wablers on a trip to the farm in Saskatchewan. Your photos are bringing back happy memories. Warblers are one of the real joys of spring.

    Regards Guy

  18. Great post and awesome pictures. Great working in capturing these birds.

  19. What a great collection of photos - many beautiful birds here!

  20. My second exposure to a yellow-rumped warbler in two days! A friend contacted me yesterday for help in identifying it. I love the yellows in the birds you've posted this week.

  21. I can think of very few things better tahn sitting there working out what each of the birds in a flock like that is.

    Which may be why I'm a birder and most other people are not! They dont know what they are missing! Nice set of shots - Stewart M - Australia

  22. Excellent series on the Wood Warblers! Still awaing the influx here in Maine.

  23. OH that Myrtle subspecies is Such a handsome bird!! Great photos...wonderful capture of the Ruby Crown!!!!

  24. So many lovely colorful songbirds! wonderful captures!

  25. Nicely done! I haven't gotten a good kinglet photo yet that shows the ruby crown.

  26. I would luv to run into a fall out. I was hoping to get into one in Louisiana recently, but no such luck. Fun photos!

  27. Oh my gosh, Hilke!!! What a beautiful post. I'm so glad you were feeling well enough to get out and see the fallout. Ich habe mich stark erkältet auch! But I went to the doc's today, and he gave me an antibiotic, so I should be good to go soon. I'm never keen on spring colds and haven't had one for a while. Hope you are feeling much better.

  28. I certainly hope you feel better. Some goos shots of those birds too!

  29. Nice shots of some birds that don't like to sit still!


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