
Monday, January 2, 2012

Pine Siskins

The air was filled with twittering calls one morning a couple of days ago. It was windy and high up in the turbulent air I saw what looked small leaves floating this way and that, until they gathered into an undulating flock and settled on a tree in the wetland next to our house: a flock of Pine Siskins.   

Pine Siskins are a nomadic species with a preference for conifer seeds. According to a report on winter finches, the spruce and hemlock crops are supposed to be excellent this year in the Northeast and since spruce seed crop up north in Yukon and Alaska has been average Pine Siskins are expected to show up in good numbers in the Northeast There have a number of recent sightings on the New England bird lists but nothing yet like the irruption in Jan 2009. 

I got a couple of photos and, hoping they would come closer, stocked my Nyeer feeder but so far have only seen Goldfinches. This morning, New Year's Day, during a walk up Black Mountain I checked the crowns of red and white pines for cones and found almost none. So, I don't expect to see more Pine Siskins this winter.

I went back into my archive to pull out some photos I had taken during the irruption in early 2009. Back then they overwhelmed my feeders and I was kind of glad when after a few weeks they disappeared. They are a gregarious but pugnacious lot vigorously defending their spot at the feeder. Because of their small beaks they have trouble opening black oil sunflower seeds but will pick up broken pieces left behind by other birds.

 The lower bird is probably a "green morph" 

I am showing this photo in its original size because it so beautifully illustrates the colors and arrangements of feathers on the back.

To enliven the dull dark days I decided to try my hand at sketching  birds from photographs that I took. These are my first efforts. It's fun and teaches me  to see the bird's body underneath the feathers. I like to draw fast;  an ultra fine gel roller seems to be the perfect tool - no second chances; it has to be right the first time. I added some color with pastels. As you can see I will need a lot of practice.

Pine Siskins

Turkey, Hooded Merganser, Common Merganser

Eastern Bluebirds

 Eastern Bluebird

I wish you all a happy, healthy and productive New Year, and thanks for visiting!


  1. They're beautiful!! We've got them here also. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. i've been watching for them here in Texas, too. last winter we had a mess of them for the entire winter. this year, i've yet to see them!

  3. I like your loose sketches; I've tried and I've flunked. Think you've either got it or, more practice? Tried that too. Wishing isn't enough. Interesting bird; similar markings to a canary it seems but I understand how they might overtake in numbers with their nature as you described too.

  4. Howdee,
    I haven't seen any Siskins here in NC this winter..I have seen them here in the past.
    I think its great you are doing some sketches...Mine would look like stick figures..hee hee
    Wishing you and yours a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.
    Happy Birding!

  5. I loved the photos of your siskins. I love the markings on these little fellas. Your sketches were much better than mine would have been. Carol

  6. Great post and thanks for the info on potential for an irruption. A Siskin sighting would be a life bird. I missed them in 2009. We are seeing a real drop in passerines this year in southeastern Massachusetts. Numbers are way down.

  7. Hi Hilke

    I really enjoyed getting to see the yellow markings on the wings of the birds in your photos. I thought your sketches were really nice.


  8. Very nice and super you are sketching. It really helps you see more details I think. I am hoping for some Pine Siskins, none so far.

  9. Similar to our Siskins here.
    They're great fans of nyger seed too.

    I love your drawings.........something I can't do.

  10. A new bird for me. I don't think I've heard/read about them. The colours in the close shot are very beautiful. Nice drawings too.

  11. Lovely photos of the siskins! I like your drawings, too! I can't draw to save my life.

  12. Beautiful little birds to see... lovely images and info.

  13. great shots. They really show the birds. Love the look under the wing. It is yellow. :)

  14. Great post and photos, Hilke! I have been waiting to see a Pine Siskin this year too.

  15. Great photos and a very interesting little bird to watch.

  16. I am not expecting to see any here as I read the Finch report and much as I enjoy them, they are big eaters...I too have been trying to draw and I am not having as much success as you are...

    If you change the comments settings in blogger from the default of 'embedded' to pop-up, it will be easier for some post a comment. I have to close Firefox and open IE to post and then sometimes it doesn't take...Michelle

  17. What a funny bunch! Too bad they can be so pesky. Lovely shots you got of them though! Especially lucking out to get the rare morph!
    I like your sketches! Nothing better than trying new things!

  18. Nice post Hilke. Drawing takes practice. The last one has a good flow about it. Well done.

  19. I LOVE your sketches. The posture you captured in the bluebird on the right is adorable. I hope you continue. I need to try some pen and ink sketches. In the early 90s I did pen and ink and pointillism all the time. (I've been waiting for Pine Siskins since the early 90s. We had them in our backyard two winters long ago, and they've not returned to our area since.)

  20. Thank you all for your encouraging comments! I am particularly happy about Kelly's since her art has been a model to me. I changed the comment form to pop-up as requested by Michelle.

  21. Such lovely birds! I really like the shot with the pair with the curled metal bar!

  22. Wonderful photos and good information. Thanks!! Happy New Year to you. I will be checking in on your birds!

  23. Your photos are superb, but what really fascinate me is your sketches! Wow, you're so talented!
    Happy New Year to you:)

  24. A terrific series of images. I haven't had Siskins at my feeders for a couple of years, they are the most random of birds.

    Best wishes for 2012!!

  25. Wow nice sighting and pictures Hilke, I would love to see this guy with my own eyes ;-)
    Happy new year hilke, I hope it will be full of nice pictures moment.

  26. Great shots of the Pine Siskins Hilke! I remember the irruption of 2009. I had literally hundreds of Pine Siskins. I also love your sketches. Those are great. especially that last Bluebird!

  27. I forgot to mention, I feed the finches Nyjer seed and the Pine Siskins have no problem eating those seeds.

  28. A lady of many talents I see!
    I am crazy about bird illustrations and I think the fast sketch technique your using is particularly beautiful. I think your first sketches are enthralling, one can only imagine how something like this might develope. Very exciting!
    Happy New Year Hilke!

  29. I have yet to see a siskin this year and I did not see any last fall, though I did get some the in the fall and winter of 2010. Great info on the green morph. I had never heard of it though I think I have seen some before. Nice try with the sketching. I, too, think it helps one to see the birds differently!


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