
Monday, May 14, 2012

Jewels of the Woods

The season of the wood warblers and vireos is here. Although they are plentiful they are still not easy to see. Watch for a quick movement in the leaves, a shadow flying across a thicket, a flickering in the corner of your eyes. Then keep looking in that direction and you may be lucky. Pishing may lure them out into the open, but only briefly until they have satisfied themselves that you can safely be ignored.

Wilson's Warbler

Prairie Warbler

Black-and-White Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Warbling Vireo

Tomorrow I am off to Cape May for the Maygration Birding Festival

Until next week then, happy birding!


  1. Great warbler series. They are thickening up here, too. I wish my vocalization recognition skills were as good as yours are. It's almost maddening to hear them in the woods and not be able to tell who is who. Oh geez, what a dreadfull burden I bear. HA!

  2. my goodness, these are beautiful little birds! thank you for sharing them!

  3. Well put, they are the jewels of the woods. Good luck with Maygration!

  4. Beautiful captures of the warblers, Hilke! They are like jewels. Happy Birding!

  5. I`m hearing strange new voices in the woods too,but haven`t captured any photos as you have,they are beautiful little birds & flit around so quickly ,so hard to get a photo of them.Beautiful ones you have shared,I wish I was going with you to the Maygration,phyllis

  6. Hi Hilke

    What a nice collection of warblers. They really do light up the spring trees.


  7. Yowza-nice warbler pics! I've only seen one Wilson's Warbler and you managed to get one heckuva photo of one. Nicely done!

  8. All of these would be lifer for me and I'm discovering most of them through your blog! Thanks for sharing this... Very nice shots you got...

  9. I really appreciate your great captures since I know these birds like to hide among the leaves. The link to article on Pishing was also appreciate. Thanks!

  10. You have had much greater success than I in seeing warblers, both in inland SE Florida and now in NE Illinois. Although there have been some one-day appearances, other birders have been mentioning the same. The west coast of Florida and the west shore of Lake Michigan have been exceptions. I loved how well you captured the cap of Wilson's.

  11. I'd missed this -- so beautiful and such wonderful pictures. Thank you for the link to pishing. Nothing like having a virtual coach. Thanks!


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